Nobody knows anything

Once during the last two years of trying we got a positive test. My husband is active military and was gone when I found out the news. I had this made to surprise him when he got back but it didn't stick and so when he got back I only had bad news. A friend held onto this for me since then.

But she is moving this week and so she gave it back for me to surprise my husband when we finally do get it.

He's gone in the field again right now and I can't stop looking at it and hoping.

Baby dust to you ladies.

And fingers forever crossed that he gets to see this someday. 🤞



We've gotten his sperm analysis done twice now and both times showed high counts but awful swimmers.

They tested my blood and did an ultrasound but the most they could say was my uterus was slightly tilted but just barely.

They've had him on clomid for 45 days now (since he left for the field) and he basically is supposed to stay on it for a while now. They said it should help with motility.

They're having me start clomid myself as soon as he gets back and I ovulate. (He gets back the day before my estimated ovulation)

If all of this doesn't work they're talking to us about

<a href="">IUI</a>
