Dreaming of positive pregnancy tests 🥺

Mari • ʙᴏʏ ᴍᴀᴍᴀ x2

I had a dream last night that I went to the bathroom and took a first response test and couldn’t believe my eyes when both lines started turning pink. I was in the bathroom shaking and crying happy tears. I hear my husband downstairs making breakfast and playing with the kitties and I walk down holding the test behind my back and show it to him and he starts crying too. 😩 then I woke up cause I had to pee lol

I want this dream to be real soooo badly. 🥺

My period is due in 4 days but my period has been “late” lately. Meaning my cycles have been lasting longer than normal. We only bd once during my “fertile window” 2 days before my O day. So I doubt I’ll get a positive this time around. The only difference this time is we used preseed for the first time when we bd that day.

Anybody else have dreams of getting a positive test and then it actually happen?

Better yet, what are your experiences with preseed? I’ve seen some really good stories about it.

Sorry this post is all over the place lol.