Is my partner on drugs?

Hi everyone, I’ll keep this short and give the main points that have made me suspicious.

Last year I found a vile with white powder it caused a row and him to get defensive.

He takes opioid painkillers daily but he has been ordering it online along with getting his usual prescription from doctor(addicted?)

I found a wee square plastic bag in the bathroom with the remenants of white powder.

He goes to toilet with his phone to play music and runs the tap to create noise and does a lot of blowing his nose CANT HEAR HIM SNIFFING.

2 more square plastic baggies found in his wallet with remenants of white powder.

Stayed hotel and white powdery particles found on carpet.

Today more white powder particles found around where he has been sitting all night while I was in bed (he couldn’t sleep)

T-shirt’s and socks found where I’m assuming he has blown his nose there is a wee bit of blood and what looks like concealed powder.

He does not look like he takes drugs no signs or symptoms, really energetic etc if anything he is the opposite. He is always tired and can sleep for 16 hours no problem .

So I think can conclude it can’t be cocaine as he has never seemed chatty, energetic pupils are more like pin pricks if not normal.

What else could this powder be? Could it be some form of opiate powder if the pills he takes don’t work quick enough.