Nervous, spotting 😖

Nicole • Mama to Matilda + Betty 💕

Last night I felt a little warm wetness, like the typical discharge feeling, so I went to the bathroom because I had to pee anyway. After peeing, when I wiped, there was a small smear of light pink. Not CM, just light pink blood, and a small amount. I haven’t had sex recently (I know that can cause light bleeding). I sat and drank some water thinking maybe I’m dehydrated (thanks to google). I peed 2 more times before bed and no more anything. I put a pantyliner on just in case. This morning when I woke up to pee, there was a small drop of brown discharge. Nothing when I peed or wiped, though. Of course now I am so paranoid. I don’t have any painful cramps. I am in my 7th week and have had light, intermittent cramps the whole time, but I just look at them as “growing pains.” Please, anyone able to share their similar experience? Do I have reason to panic?