Little rant đź’”

I feel like I can’t really blame anyone but myself. My best friend, my sister and my mom warmed me about him yet I still chose to see the good in him. Or maybe I’m the toxic one I don’t know what to think anymore. Before him I was dating my ex of almost 3 years until he completely ghosted me, so when I started to talk to this guy he was so sweet and so funny, idk there was something to him that I fell for. But during our “taking stages” he was talking to another girl, he blocked me and then he started dating his ex, he broke up with her and then he started talking to me again, right there was another sign. So me being stupid I “took him back” we started “dating” which I really didn’t feel like he was really into the relationship because nobody knew about us, which I mean I really didn’t mind, but after he broke up with me the first time he changed for completely, he never messaged me and he never saw me. Maybe once every 2 weeks that I would see him, I always had to be the one to initiate the conversation cuz If i didn’t we probably wouldn’t have ever talked. His excuse was always that he was busy, and get me wrong I understand that someone is busy and their aren’t always gonna be able to talk to you 24/7 and I was okay with that, but I at lease wanted like a “hey, how was your day?” Or “hey, how are you ?” But I never got that. So 2 months later after getting dumped again, I cannot stop thinking about him, Like maybe i was the toxic one maybe I’m the problem. Idk I can’t wrap my head around how stupid I was with this dude, I was so stupid and gullible, I don’t understand how I fell for his lies. 💔