Anyone else??!!??!!

This will be a long post but bare with me. I know some of you may be in similar situations so I’m looking for opinions. My parents got divorced when I was in college. Mom remarried when I was 22 and Dad when I was 26. When I address their new spouses it’s by first name and when I talk to others about them I describe them as my Mom’s husband and my dad’s wife (they are not referred to as stepdad or stepmom) I do this because when all of this went down I was a adult, I already have a mom and a dad and live no where near either of my parents so to me their spouses are just that. Their spouses. I really like my dad’s new wife but I’m not a huge fan of my mom’s husband. He gets on my nerves but he makes my mom happy so I remain civil with him. Since becoming pregnant I thought my husbands parents and my parents would be grandma and grandpa (because they are) and my dad’s wife and mom’s husband could just simply go by their first name as they aren’t really his grandparents and he already has 4 of them. I’m currently visiting my mom and she was talking about what she might want to be called (grandma or grams or whatever he wants to call her) then she added can Tony be called grandpa Tony (I had to look away as I didn’t want my face to say to her what I was thinking...hell no). I just don’t consider her husband or my dad’s wife grandparents to my little boy. I’m having a hard time cause I wonder if I’m just being aN asshole about it but then I remember that I like my dad’s wife but I still don’t want her to be called grandma. It’s not just because neither of them were parents to me but because they didn’t earn that role either. My son has 4 amazing grandparents already. I’m not saying neither of them can’t visit or hold my child or anything but I just don’t think my child should have to call them grandma or grandpa. Anyone else have parents who divorced when they were an adult and remarried later?