
My best friend already has a baby (6mo). She knows I’ve been TTC for almost a year now with no luck. She seems like she understands but I don’t think she does. Last night she texted me that AF was late, but she’s scared to take a test. I asked why. She said she’s been trying to get pregnant for 2 months, and that basically I have “no idea how all these negative tests can make someone feel.” Excuse me? Mind you I’ve called her crying almost every time I get a negative, or when I get AF. I just feel so terrible my own best friend would say something like that to me. She also asked me if I was jealous, and I said yes. And she responds with “I knew you would be, I understand.” I know not everything is about me, but I can’t help but feel she’s doing this purposely to get at me. And it’s working.