Baby. Not pizza.


Yesterday I went for a pedicure with my very petite and very pregnant friend. She’s 37 weeks. I’m only 25. I’m also not a thin person. But I’ve thought that I’m starting to look pregnant. Anyway... the ladies doing our nails immediately picked up on the fact that my friend is pregnant. So they were excitedly talking to her, meanwhile I’m sitting there feeling like my worst fears were coming to light (my fear being people think I’m just fat not pregnant) but I stay quiet. Later the lady working on my feet is massaging my leg and noticed my veins and thinks I’m bruised. I assure her I’m fine but she insists something is wrong. So I have to explain, “no, I’m fine. I’m pregnant and sometimes this happens”. She looks up at me and goes “you too?! You don’t look it at all! I just thought you eat a lot of food! You don’t look pregnant!” So I awkwardly laugh and say “nope, it’s a baby.” And she continues to tell me how I don’t look pregnant.... my fears did in fact come to light and what little self esteem I was trying to build in this pregnancy just shattered. I’m trying to not let it get to me, but I keep hearing it over and over “you don’t look pregnant, you look like you eat a lot.” I should start wearing a shirt that says “Baby. Not pizza.” Pregnancy. So fun.