Due in a couple of weeks...

I’m due in a couple of weeks and I feel like everything is prepared at home and we couldn’t have attended anymore classes or read up on things more than we have. So mentally we are prepared.... obviously, when she’s here things might go tits up as we work out our own way with things.

The one thing we haven’t really organised is visitors. I’ve made it clear that we’ll organise visits when we’re at home after the hospital. No one is to stay over at the house, everyone must find a hotel (our families live 3hrs away).

Anyway, today we returned from an antenatal class and they were enforcing the importance of limiting skin to skin contact to 2 carers (the mother and father) in the first 2 weeks. Now, our families are going to want to hold her and touch her when they visit. I’m now excessively worrying about this, and also just getting used to feeding and getting in to a routine when we have people here. I feel overwhelmed with the stress of thinking how I’m actually going to cope with everything while having visitors. This is the first baby on both sides so grandparents are so excited.... I can easily ask my parents to give me and the baby space and they’d understand (already told them I might be like this)... I can’t really say that to my MIL without hurting her feelings, she’s been OTT on baby talk and sharing her experiences from 30 years ago since the beginning...