Does Anyone Know

JaiiAmyra • Free spirit Gypsy.. M e l a n in 🍫 R o c k in🌴 G y p s y🌸

I’ve tried to concieve in my pass relationship to my ex fiancé of 5 years , It never happens I guess God knew bringing his child into this world wouldn’t be fair so it never happened. I’m currently the happiest I’ve ever been in my current relationship to a wonderful guy who loves me builds me up and motivate me and it’s only been a few months . I recently found out I’m pregnant and he is ecstatic, I went for a hospital visit to be sure my beta levels went from 107 and 618 3days later but they weren’t able to see anything because it’s to early .. Is this normal ? Is my baby okay ?

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Posted at
I would say to early


Posted at
How far along are you?!


JaiiAmyra • Jan 28, 2019
Awww thank you so much. I wish you many more blessings🎉💜💜


Ceejae • Jan 27, 2019
It sounds like you’re just very early in your pregnancy! This happened to me with my son, the didn’t see anything then 2 weeks later they saw a tiny babe and flickering hb! He’s 9 months old now 🤗. Sending you lots of prayers for a healthy babe!


JaiiAmyra • Jan 27, 2019
They don’t know yet . My menstrual is 8 days late and my hcg was 618 yesterday around 3p.m I’m not sure if this is a normal level of hcg and how high will it have to be to see anything