I’m in a pickle. Seeking opinions. What would you do in this situation?

Here’s some back story.

Baby daddy is a loser. Disrespectful, irresponsible, can’t hold a job, no car insurance, no care in the world for anything or anyone. My parents and I brought him up from nothing and he’s been nothing but ungrateful and manipulative. He is also now with another pregnant junky druggy, not sure if her baby is his or not but he moved on very fast and with no remorse. And still says he wants equal rights to the baby. Not being there for the pregnancy and not caring how I’m doing or how baby is doing.

Me, I’m a first time mom and I will be having this baby within 3 weeks. Im a nurse aide, I’ve been at my job for 2 years and work almost everyday. I’m still working today and will be until I go into labor. I own my car and pay all my bills on time by myself. I however do not get medical insurance, my work doesn’t offer it for me and am waiting to see if I’m excepted through Medicaid.

Baby daddy’s mom is crazy and threatening me with the law if she doesn’t get to see my baby.

Does his mom have any rights to my baby if I was never married to my baby’s father?

I don’t care about child support if he would just stay away from me and my baby for the safety of baby. And I’d like sole custody and will fight for it but am afraid of going to court and afraid of losing the case. Am I being reasonable wanting to keep the baby from the dad or am I being dramatic? I don’t think it’s fair that he gets anything to do with baby after all the shit he has put me and my family though with NO remorse!

I am planning on seeing an attorney for consultation.


We were in a pretty good place when we were together, and when I got pregnant but it went down hill after that, I thought time would help heal and we’d work something out. I didn’t know he was like this until mid pregnancy. I also thought he could change with a second chance and I gave him multiple chances for the sake of baby having its dad. But he never changed for the better, he only got worse. I regret a lot I had with him but it’s my life now and I’m just trying to make the best of it and be a the best mom I can even in this tough situation. I let it get this far, I realize my mistakes and I’ve learned from them. But I tried my hardest to save the relationship because of baby of course and I invested so much time, money and energy. I realize I was dumb I was blind but there is no going back so I must move forwards with strength for my baby.

Nobody likes to talk about how they got in the situation because it’s embarrassing and they feel ashamed and don’t want people to kick them while they are down more than they are already kicking themselves. And some people don’t realize the mistakes they’ve made.