
So my mother and I have always had a tumultuous relationship. Without going in to that, she cut me off and out of her life when she didn’t approve of my (then boyfriend) husband, mainly because it took all the attention away from her, but also because she didn’t like that he wasn’t a doctor or lawyer. 🙄

Anywho, fast-forward to 3+ years later, I stayed completely away even though she sent me threatening emails periodically about how terrible I was. In that time I’d gotten married and had a baby; he’s 3 months old when I get her latest email,

Congratulations. Let me know if you want to talk.

She is my only family, my husbands is out of the picture as well, so for my son, I agreed to try.

She flew out to see him for a 4 day weekend and LET ME TELL YOU.

This woman has not changed one bit, forget the little annoying things like cleaning my home at all hours of the night, and other normal 🤷🏼‍♀️ mother/in law things.

As each day went on she got more and more mad that she wasn’t the center of attention, that we weren’t entertaining her and showing her around, that we had a 9 MONTH OLD BABY that came first 🤦🏼‍♀️ Today she got pissed because he took a nap and prolonged us going to the mall?? She stormed off to the pool and when she came back announced she was leaving early tomorrow and then stormed off again.

My son is sleeping right now and she’s still not back...we have a very small apartment and just the sound of the door opening wakes him...I have zero words...

At least I can say I tried?

At least this happened before he could really remember and be hurt by her?