Deciding what state to live in .

So my husband is a marine and he gets out in a year and half . We are trying to decide where we want to live . We do not want to go back to our home state which is Ohio . We both like the warm weather way better then the winter . My husband wants to be a state trooper in whichever state we go to and we’ve been looking into the states we’ve been considering and a lot of them have 3 classes a year so he’d be able to make one of them once we got out . We’ve been considering Florida , and southern Missouri . Tennessee has crossed our minds and the Carolinas . But more so southern Missouri and northern Florida . He deploys in October and instead of going back home me and my three dogs are moving to whichever state we decide , that way it’s easier for him to get in since we will have a place of residency in that state and also because I can get a job and help support us during his transition . Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about the states of mentioned ? Or anything