My husband wants a live in maid

Lord where do I husband and I got married in April of 2017, July of 2018 we welcomed a baby boy. Ever since our son arrived everything has been on me. I am the one who gets up for every feeding(baby doesn’t sleep through the night). My husband has gotten up MAYBE 2 dozen times in the almost 7 months our son has been alive. I’m not breastfeeding either so it’s not like he CANT help. The few times he has gotten up it’s been a whole scene. He jumps up stomps his feet, slams doors, bottles, etc making as much noise as possible. He won’t change our sons diaper during these times even though he’s in a completely full diaper. To my husband it’s an empty diaper...

I get maybe 3 hours of sleep a night, every night since July. Weekends are no exception. My husband works 5am till 4pm (lately 6pm) Monday through Friday. I’m a sham.. to him he works very hard(which he does!) so he’s to tired to do anything and shouldn’t have to. He says my days are easy, all I do is feed our son, change him, cook dinner, and clean up...that if our son is fussy I should just put him in his crib to cry cause that’s what he does and he stops crying. What he doesn’t understand is that our son stops crying cause I go and take care of him. My days aren’t easy. Not only am I working off of 3 hours of sleep EVERYDAY, I’m taking care of our dog, I’m doing all the dishes my husband couldn’t be bothered to help with, I’m prepping dinner. I’m taking care of our child, switching up his activities regularly, soothing a teething baby, fighting with a baby who doesn’t want to eat. I’m changing over laundry constantly, I’m paying all the bills, I’m going to all the appointments for everyone, I’m making dinner. I’m listening to my husband vent about his day at work, im rushed to take a shower and to “not waste the hot water”. Im Told to pick the show we watch at night, cause he can’t be bothered, but it HAS to be what he wants to watch.

And yet I’m asked why the laundry is piled high and not folded, and not put away, I’m asked to clean up the nursery, I’m asked why there are a stack of papers on the counter, why did I fold the blanket on the couch. Did I REALLY need to eat those three mini recess cups?? Why is there stuff(his STUFF) on the dinning table. Why is the house so cluttered. That I need to do more, that I can’t handle anything cause I have to ask for help, which I never get. When I do ask him for help and say I can’t do everything by myself I’m told that he doesn’t understand why. Why can’t I do the easiest of things? Why can’t I take care of everything and everyone every single day. That it’s merrily the easiest thing someone can do.

This past weekend he said that WE would clean up the nursery, and that WE would fold and put away the laundry... that never happened and now it’s on ME cause he invited people to stay over this weekend. He doesn’t see how it’s now just my responsibility to get this all don, and yet he doesn’t get home till late now. I have to BEG him daily for a back massage cause I’m in literally pain from doing as much as humanly possible and more times then not he throws a fit and I don’t get one. When I do it’s half assed at best with him scrolling through Facebook with one hand while the other presses in the same spot for 15 minutes straight... when I express that I’m not satisfied It becomes a whole ordeal of how I never “pamper” him... he doesn’t like massages or being touched(he’s very ticklish), he thinks it’s weird. His idea of pampering is sex... if he had his way it would be daily.

However I’m no where NEAR wanting to have sex ever, and for someone who wants sex all the time IM the one having to do EVERYTHING during sex when we do have sex...

I don’t know how else to tell my husband this, I have straight just told him point blank and it goes in one ear and out the other. Even our marriage counselor has trouble with getting him to actually listen and understand what I’m saying.. the money we were supposed to use for me to have a day being pampered is now going towards his truck...


It been 200+ days since I got to sleep in and relax for more than 5 minutes...