Intense lower back pain

Lindsay • * Miracles really do happen! Loving my family! *

I’m 38 weeks today and since Friday night have had such bad lower back pain I can’t do anything. Laying down hurts, sitting up hurts, bending over hurts and walking hurts. I’m going crazy but not having contractions just some minor pelvic pain. And pressure every once in awhile. I’ve tried heating pads, Tylenol, baths, cold packs, stretches like cat cow and rocking on my hands and knees and nothing has helped. Any suggestions? Also could this be just from baby on a nerve or is it more likely the start of something? I’m only 1cm but 85% effaced as of last Wednesday so maybe this could be beginning of the end? I’m scared that I could be in this much pain for labor and not be able to take natural birth also!