TTC after Mirena

I gave birth to my first child January 2018. I had the Mirena IUD from April-May, total time just shy of a month. I had awful reactions to it & told my doctor when I went for an ultrasound to make sure it was in the right place if she didn’t take it out then I was gonna go home & rip it out myself. I HATED it.

Fast forward to now, almost a year later & my husband & I have been kinda-sorta-TTC baby #2. We’re not trying but we’re not preventing either. It only took me 2 months to get pregnant with our daughter but this time around it’s taking much longer... we’ve been doing the “well if it happens it happens” thing for 4 months now & nothing. I’ve heard people having a hard time conceiving after Mirena & was curious if I only had mine in for about a month if that was enough time to mess me up down there lol.
