Husband watching porn while taking care of child


So I was helping my husband find a book’s ISNB # .. he handed me his phone because mine was dead while he searched on tablet. As soon as I opened the search bar a porn website came up on the “ private page” meaning he was on it recently. What shocked me was that it was animal porn. Horse and woman in front images. I was absolutely disgusted and schooled that I didn’t say anything as I’m still trying to process this. I’m worried because we have a 9 month old daughter that he stays with while I work graveyard. It kills me that he would even be that kind of aroused while in his care. I told him randomly hours later that if he kept watching that crap while taking care of our daughter that I was not going to trust him anymore. He said what as if he had no idea. It hurts me because I can’t afford daycare & I need to work. My family lives thousand of miles away. I don’t know how to process all of this nasty shit.

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