Extreme gas pain confused w labor?


Almost 25w with our first. I have terrible sciatica and GERD and have been struggling with how to sleep elevated, yet somehow on my side. The body just isn’t meant to bend that way right? Especially with 2 herniated discs.

Woke up around 2pm feeing like my spine was BREAKING. This was followed by pain through my whole chest and abdomen for what felt like forever. I started to time it and it took about 20 minutes to resolve. I was ready to call the Dr or head to the ER or L&D. Started to burp and fart a bunch and the pain lessened but I still feel like crap.

The whole time baby was moving like crazy and felt like he was up near my rib cage. Is this normal? Supposed to do chiropractor today and glucose test tomorrow but might see if my dr can see me early. Also worried about chiropractor when I feel so awful already.