Is it normal for a 2 year old to still wake at night?

Ashley🦋 • [Married]💍[Mommy] 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 #girlmom [🇺🇲❤🇳🇮]

First time mom here and still learning so sorry for silly question, lol.

Anyway, since about 4 months my daughter has been sleeping through the night with the occasional night cry, but I would go and snuggle her and within 5 minutes she's back asleep. Now, still at 2 years old, it still happens. But sometimes she doesn't go back to sleep and she can be up for hours at a time. (Like tonight, it's currently 3:45 am and she woke up at 1:15) but I got her to bed at about 3:15, I'm just making sure she stays asleep because she sometimes doesn't. Some weeks it happens 2 to 3 times and some weeks it doesn't happen at all.

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance. 💜