Masturbating after getting Kyleena IUD

Courtney • 32. Having a baby someday.

So, I haven’t had penetration sex, but I did rub my clit to orgasm hours after getting my IUD. I am now reading some things on here that say you should wait a week to have sex. Anyway, now I’m wondering if masturbation and the contractions from my orgasms (since I’ve definitely done it more than once) could be making my body push my IUD out of place and causing me cramps and pain- especially when sitting down. This is my first IUD and I know that the first months after getting the IUD put in are when the body is most likely to reject it.

Have any of you ever heard of this happening?

Update: as I said before I had my Kyleena placed on January 23, 2019. I bled basically a whole month and 6 days since then minus a few days directly after having it placed. Yesterday, March 1st, I finally had a day of almost no bleeding. The blood was dark red early in the day and browner later in the day. This morning, I finally went to the bathroom and had no blood on the toilet paper when I wiped. I’m so excited to not be bleeding. I was considering having it taken out if I was still bleeding by March 23rd.