Do I have the right to post my progress pics?

So I’ve been working out a lot and I’ve been showing off my body (CLOTHED) and I enjoy it so much! I gained weight & the shorts that once used to be me large are tight, I have a butt now so you can see some booty action. I was wearing his t shirt & those shorts. I posted a pic with my boyfriends last name in the picture & his friends go and comment that it isn’t okay as if I’m dating them. Now my boyfriend is agreeing with them & says I’m microcheating. I told him it’s not anyone’s job to decide what’s a standard for MY relationship besides my partner and I.

IIII worked hard for my body. Why am I being told what to do with my body. I feel so freaking trapped.

Mind you these same guys send around half naked females to each other and gawk over them & admitted to doing so but then go and rant about why it’s wrong for me to do it.

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