Update!: Feeling worthless

UPDATE: don’t worry y’all it was the pms I’m over his sorry ass lmao his loss

It’s probably the pms but maybe getting this off my chest will help. I’m usually pretty rational but my mind is really getting the best of me. I’ve been seeing this guy for a month now, we only get to see eachother about once a week. I’ve been spending Saturday nights with him and last Sunday we spent the day together after I spent the night.

He introduced me to his close friends and I thought things were going well, his friends even told me to come around more often.

But this week he’s been distant. We talked Monday and Tuesday but not Wednesday or Thursday. That was fine with me, we’ve gone a day or two without talking before.

We talked a little on Friday, I told him I was thinking about him and hoped his week was going well. I expected him to ask me if I wanted to do something on Saturday (we hangout at his house so I didn’t want to invite myself) but he didn’t.

I’m pretty sure him and his roommates had people over on Saturday and I can’t help but think he met someone or hooked up with someone else even though he has given me no reason to think that.

He didn’t text me at all on Saturday, Sunday and nothing this morning either. Last weekend he texted me all night when he was out with his friends.

I can’t help but think he’s changed his mind about me. Last weekend he invited me to an event in March which gave me so much hope that he saw this going somewhere. But I feel like if he wanted to talk or see me he would make the effort and I’ve heard nothing.

I just feel so worthless, I’ve had guys do this in the past and it’s the worst feeling. Makes me want to give up completely on dating. I just want to stop thinking about him and not have to worry about this anymore. :(