Had a chemical last month and had the most obvious symptoms like I KNEW I was pregnant. Got vvvfls at 10dpo and confirmed at 12DPO! I’m 4 days from AF!

Symptoms so far have been:

-Mild cramps(I never cramp until day of AF)

-I’ve had twinges/ fullness in my ovaries since 6DPO

-My breast’s today feel only tender when pressed but they feel heavy and full

-moderate amount of creamy cm

-tired all the time

-multiple vivid dreams

-peeing more than normal

Took FRER today and although I think I see the faintest line, posted a poll earlier and the majority vote was BFN.

Anyone else currently have these symptoms or HAD these symptoms and got a BFP? 🤞🏼🤞🏼