C-Section Mom *EDITED*


My daughter is 3 years old, born October 15, 2015 via emergency c-section. My birthing story is a huge mess/disaster ending with my beautiful little princess. Basically, my Dr’s bedside manner was terrible and she was absent for most of my labor process. I was in labor for 4 hours, went in not dilated and 80% effaced. Got one round of the Cervidil and pitocin after that. Was barely and hour or two in when the Dr broke my water (without telling me until about 60 seconds before it broke). Pitocin shortly after and it was all downhill from there. Within 30 minutes her heart rate started dropping, I’d barely felt my contractions, and we (me, my mother, & my boyfriend) we’re all freaking out. Her heart rate dropped twice within a short period of time and the Dr came in and told me I needed to go for my C-section.

Well, my BFF of 11 years is pregnant with her first child due Feb 6th. She doesn’t listen to a word I say, kind of like a “you don’t know what you’re talking about” thing or at least it feels that way. Anyone else feel like less of a woman for being forced in for a C-section? I desperately wanted to have my daughter naturally without pain meds but someone had other plans. It feels like a stab in the heart especially coming from her! 😏

**Any time I try to give her advice she comes back with something one of her other friends said or told her about the situation (they’ve all had vaginal births)