I must be cheating 🤷🏻‍♀️

So my husband complains that I don’t show him enough affection. (I guess I’ve just never been that way. My family never showed any affection growing up or anything) but because I love my husband very much I’ll make an effort.

So today he comes home and I got right up to him and give him a big hug and giant kiss, start making out with him a little.

And then he flips out. I must be cheating on him, I need to tell him what’s going on, what am I hiding, why am I acting this way I never do this, etc.

and then he just storms out the house and leaves.

OKAY. I really can never win like what the fuck do I do!?

Side note-never have I in anyway cheated on my husband. Never ever gave him a reason to suspect I was cheating, EVER.

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Posted at
Thats a very off the wall thought to go to. Maybe HE'S hiding something?


Ja • Jan 29, 2019
No no no it’s possible yes but I doubt it. Sometimes (and I know I’m fucked up for it) I freak out when my husband gets extra lovey out of no where after I beg him for attention. There are times where he completely strays from me and ignores me all day and it hurts so I tell him I want more attention and not neglect. Then a few days later it’s crazy amounts of attention and since I’ve been cheated on before and guys used to do that to me I freaked out. I didn’t necessarily accuse but I got really defensive about it. I also got mad when I realized he only did that bc I asked and not by his own choice technically...? I do wish my husband just wants to be caring and loving and romantic sometimes but I hate when I have to ask for it bc then it makes it feel less genuine. The reason I don’t panic and run is bc we actually talk and say “I’ll start trying more” so then there’s more of an expectation of their affection coming rather than surprise and concern. It’s normal. I don’t think he’s hiding anything I think he got worried that she did a 180 and his instinct was a guard and a quick rational.


Christy • Jan 28, 2019
This is what I was thinking 😔


NachoMama • Jan 28, 2019
Unfortunately this is where my mind went too. 😕


Posted at
I can kind of see his point. It’s not uncommon for someone to be overly affectionate with a significant other after they’ve strayed or cheated. So I can kind of see why he would think that with such a huge difference it was from how you normally are. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that how he reacted was completely 100% unacceptable. Instead of getting upset and storming off, he should have spoken with you like an adult should, especially considering he knows your history.


Posted at
It could seem like you're feeling guilty and that's why you "changed".... once tensions settle, just talk to him and tell him why you did that. I wouldn't stress it.