At work..... take a HPT... busted!!!

So I see a faint line this morning, naturally I obsess a little bit and decide to take a pregnancy test at work, since work must go on in the TWW or as I call it hell week. Mind you there’s not a lot of people at the office, it’s basically a snow day. Be looking at the test at your desk... and bam!!! person I’ve maybe met once catches me in the act!!! Horrified, it drops out of my hand onto the floor. I quickly try to recover grab it, and place it in my purse. Act like nothing happened...... This persons face mimicked something of horror, like she just walked in on me watching porn. A grabble of words come out sounding like “hero” my face is beat red feeling like I just stole a 5,000 dollar handbag from store. She quickly says hi and turns away..... OMG

Daily reflection:


Wanting a baby so badly definitely has me sneaking around taking pregnancy tests like a burglar in the night. Lol

Have any of you been caught doing something so innocent?

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