What are you guys wearing post-delivery?


I’m a pretty private person and the thought of having visitors (immediate family and in-laws) right after delivery (2-4 hrs) is making me a little anxious. I’m anticipating looking pretty gross after labor, but also just want to be comfortable.

I should add that I’m usually self-conscious in pajama type clothes to start with, being plus size with a big chest. I never wear just a sports bra in front of anyone but my husband because they’re too flimsy for me. Ideally I picture being in a light nursing bra and button down night shirt, but I can’t imagine being comfortable with my in-laws, for example, like this. And then what if people want to take photos? I might have to put my foot down for that one.

I also want to be comfy and have easy access for skin to skin and nursing.

What are you guys planning on wearing?