uhhh welp


so this boy. Im 16, he’s 18( it doesn’t really matter but i don’t want anyone saying it’s child porngraphy or anything) says he’s gonna have sex with this girl, but he is a virgin. Nothing wrong with that. he also hasn’t kissed anyone. Nothing wrong with that.

this is the weird part. he wants me to teach him to kiss, and wants to get naked in front of me to build up his confidence, but i’m not taking off my clothes. he said he will pay me?

i honestly don’t know what to think tbh😂. i’ve been telling him you can’t plan your first time and it’s an in the moment thing. I feel bad, because he really wants me to do this but lowkey it makes me uncomfortable and he isn’t taking no for an answer.

please give me advice. i don’t think his intentions are bad but i don’t know what to say. never been in this situation before🥴