My boyfriend and I have been going through sort of a rough patch lately because we don’t have good communication skills. Well, I finally spoke up and told him how I feel about him talking to this certain girl that he used to hook up with. They have been friends for a really long time but while we were broken up, he was hooking up with her. I have asked him multiple times to stop talking to her and the first time he said okay, and blocked her. Well I get on his phone one day just messing around taking cute pics of myself for him to see later, and I see that he had her added again. So I instantly got pissed and started snooping. I didn’t find anything but I was still curious as to why they were talking. (BACKSTORY: she was in a bad relationship and ended up pregnant and had a lot of complications after birth.) anyways, I asked him about it and he told me that she had made a new account and added him and he had been talking about how she and the baby are. I was fine with that, I understand that, he’s a very caring person. Well, I live an hour away from him because of college and I decided to come home a week early to see him. When I get to his house SHE IS THERE!!! i was pissed but she was hanging out with his brother(twin) anyways, later that night he took her home, ALONE! I was mad. But I got over it. Well today she asked him to pick her up from her baby daddy’s house and take her home after he got off work. Well he did, and then stopped at some house on the way, and then went to sonic with her. He decided not to tell me this until I told him I already knew about it. (We track eachother for safety purposes) I just don’t understand why he is still talking and NOW HANGING OUT WITH HER!! After we literally just had a fight over this. He says he doesn’t want to lose me but keeps pushing me away with shit like this:(

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