I DISLIKE my father SOOO MUCH!!!!

Emely ; Baby#1 on the way 🤰🏻🧡

My father has literally been in the picture, he was never there for my birthdays (not even a call), for Christmas, New Years, graduations... NOTHING! So i just found out I am pregnant like 2 weeks ago, I told my mom right away and even tho it looks like i am going to be a single mom, she is giving me all the support... Mind yall, she lives in Colombia & I live in NY. I didnt want to tell my father because of the baby daddy situation & I know how he is, and I know how my mouth is besides that we dont have that "fatheer & daughter" relationship at all.

So i decided to tell him yesterday, and when he asked me about the baby's father I told him that it wasnt a serious relationship and I wnt be the first or last person to have a child by myself. He called my sister and she called me.right back and was like "Dont.pick up, he is going to call you to talk crap", 2 seconds later he called me and i didnt pick up. So today he called me while i was at work and i told him i was working, that i was going to call him back but ofcourse he couldnt wait and he just called me.

As soon as I picked up the phone he started talking shit "How you got pregnant of a relationship that wasnt serious? How are you going to have a kid like that? You and your sister are always fucking shit up (mind yall, she is christian and her husband as well, they are married and when hef found out she was pregnant couple of years ago, he started talking shit) so he keeps with the conversation while I am.in tears just saying "yeah, okay, umju" and he goes "Cause what people are going to think when nobody has never met you a boyfriend?" Thats were everything clicked.

He is more worried about what people are.going to say than something else... I mean what they can say? Im 26 years old, I am going to graduate from college this spring, I have an estable job, even tho that I live in a rented room I am independent and i am.not going to pay 1500 for an ugly ass apartment here in NY, I have no help from NOBODY and I still got sht done. So why is he complaing about when he knew he had a daugther but he was never in the picture? Why does he feel with such right to tell me that I did something wrong when he has never done nothing right??????

Honestly, i dont even know why i told him.