Emergency Cerclage

Lili • Mommy of 2 angel baby girls 💕- Incompetent cervix.

I just had a cerclage placed on Wednesday I was 20 weeks and 2 days I had gone to my regular OB to get my progesterone shot and I told them I was concerned because I was leaking fluid and my previous pregnancy I had a still born at 21 weeks, so he checked me and said I was dilated at 2 cm and sent me to the hospital to have an emergency cerclage. There they told me it could be risky due to my membranes bulging out a bit but they were able to perform the cerclage successfully. At the hospital they did test the fluid I was leaking to make sure it was my amniotic fluid and it wasn’t the doctor said it could just be very watery discharge. Well I was able to go home after the spinal wore off and used the restroom on my own and I did have some spotting and cramping. I’ve been having discharge which they said was normal. But I also still have that fluid come out when I sneeze or cough or fart (lol) or when I stand up. Has anyone else experienced it? And also did anyone’s else back hurt where they put the spinal? Like a pressure kind of feeling?

I just want to carry my baby full term, I’m kinda paranoid

Any successful stories ❤️

UPDATE: Unfortunately the cerclage did not work for me I delivered my baby girl this morning at 21 weeks 2 days. My water broke. This is our second stillborn 😞 prayer please