Getting pregnant after DEPO

Alexus • I’ve been in a relationship with the love of my life for 2 and a half years!! TTC Baby #1 ❤️

So I got on Depo when I was about 15 maybe 16. (Let’s say 16) because I had really bad cramps when I got my cycle and causes me to throw upand I got off about 2 years ago. I’m 21 this year. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years and TTC for about a year now and still nothing. When I was on birth control I got my period 7 days every 3 months when it was time to take my shot. My period now comes on 7 days every month. My nurse AKA my friend told me when my period is back coming on monthly then the birth control would be out of my system. Any tips or ideas on things I should try doing or taking to help me conceive. PLEASE HELPPP 😩😩😩