birth control implant

Hey y’all, I got the implant inserted in June & have been spotting or full on my period since then. is there anyyyy way to stop it? I miss head

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Bleeding for me didn’t stop till a month after I got it taken out. That thing was Satan.


Posted at
I had the same problem. I made an apt with planned parenthood and told them what was going on. They gave me a month of birth control pills and after like the 3rd day of taking them I stopped bleeding.


Adriana • Jan 29, 2019
you only had to take the pills until the bleeding stopped or did you have to continue?


Posted at
Same thing happened to my sister in law. They gave her a packet of BC pills just to even put her hormones. She took the month of pills, stopped bleeding, and hasn’t bled since. I would suggest talking to your doctor and seeing if they could prescribe pills to help even things out for you.


Posted at
Last month I bled for 20 days. My dr gave me estrogen pills. By the 3rd pill m period was done. This month is the same except I’m not taking the estrogen pills I’m getting off nexplanon