Diabetes in baby?

My baby was born 2 weeks ago she lost weight as most babies do. I then got discharged from the midwifes at 1 week old but she never put any weight back on she lost more.

My health visitor told me they should not have discharged me due to her not gaining her birth weight.

Anyway my daughter drinks 4oz and still looks for more every 2 hours but she would have more if she could in between. It seems she just wants to drink 24/7 but I have to stop her because she drink until she makes herself sick.

She also has more wet nappies to the point I am changing her nappy every 30 minutes to an hour it’s that full and on a night I have to change it every hour at least because if I don’t she leaks through (it’s not the size of the size of nappies that’s the problem).

Does it sound like she could be diabetic or am I over reacting?

I plan to get her weighed again this week to see if she has put any weight on since last week.