Pets acting differently?


Anyone else’s pets acting differently? My pit has been with me since before my first pregnancy and he always acts the same. Very protective and sleeps with his head against my belly. 😍😍😍

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Mine puppy is very protective and clingy.


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my chiweenie peed in the house three days in a row before i got my positive. and he never pees in the house. haha. thankfully he stopped but i think he knew.


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I was just thinking how sweet that is that your puppy is extra nurturing etc. Then I realised my littlest one has been doing the same for about three days 😂 haha. Aren't they lovely?


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This is my girl laying with me earlier tonight. She definitely senses something. Usually she is a terror and jumps all over me, but i have noticed this week she has been more calm around me!


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My dog will not leave my side and she wants to cuddle with me nonstop. We don’t let her on the couch so it’s a struggle because she all of a sudden wants to be up on the couch laying next to me.


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My heeler has been extra clingy lately. Sleeping at my feet following me literally every where I go.


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It’s funny how they just know! Sometimes before we even know.