Found out we’re expecting- AGAIN!!!

Anastasia • New mommy to a beautiful baby boy 👶🏼💕

Yesterday was our sons 6th month old birthday- which is a huge milestone- he’s already taken a trip halfway around the sun!

We suspected that I was possibly pregnant again, I was starting to experience nausea and as my son is only 6 months- breastfeeding has become a challenge as my milk supply has been dwindling.

According to my LMP I am 6 weeks along and expected due date is 9/21/19 just shy of two months after my sons first birthday! This will put them at about 14 mos apart.

We’re so over joyed, as we wanted to have children close in age and would always joke about Irish twins- well- it’s going to happen!

Just set up my first appointment- but there’s no denying that those positive lines are there and STRONG might I add, they showed up immediately and strong.

We’re truly feeling blessed today 🙏🏼