Am i nit-picking or what? 😂

So, 20 year old FTM here, due 18th of April. Boyfriend and i don’t live together as we both still at our mums houses (try to sort it) All he does every night from 6:30pm after work to sometimes 12am is play i have never once complained as that’s what his ex-fiancé used to do, so i usually just watch youtube or tidy and let him do him. One thing i do moan about is the fact he leaves old plates of food in his room for days until i come over at the weekend and remove it..and he wants baby to stay at weekends too? not in that room he won’t.

We have about..11 weeks until baby is here and knowing my luck, the little man will be early just to stress me out lol. Bf doesn’t seem fazed. no care at all, he’s like “ohhh that’s months away” dude. no.

How can i make him realise that it’s not a long time and we still need to get clothes and the moses baskets? or do i just need to STFU?