Um 😳

Ashton • 👩🏻🧔🏽👼🏽 👶🏻 || Total Thyroidectomy || Benign Pituitary Tumor

Not trying to sound overly sensitive but has anyone ever doubted their period for a miscarriage? Last time I was pregnant (last July) I had sore boobs for a couple weeks and went to the dr for routine blood work and when I lost it, it started with a little blood and later that day (within hours) got really heavy. YALL. I’m not like hospital kinda worried or anything but omg. I got up out of bed this morning (slept with some warm rice socks - highly suggest) and my boobs have still been hurting up til today. Worse maybe than when I was pregnant. I got up and felt the gush that’s completely yeah whatever cause that happens. But y’all. This was down to my ankle all over my pants everywhere. It was shower worthy. I had no time this morning so I scrubbed down with some baby wipes and I’ll spare y’all the photo but omg. I’ve never had something like that happen to me. Is this the norm for some of you? My period is usually about normal and not all that heavy. The timing is usually what’s wacky.