HEEEEEEEEELP!!!!! Ladies????!!! Someone knows whats going on ??


Ladies I need help!! So this month I was supposed to get my period the 18th, but I didn’t get it but on the 14 I started spotting it was very very light, it didn’t seem like a period I thought it was just a warning letting me know I was going to start my period soon! But it only went on for 3 days and it was on and off meaning I wasn’t bleeding all day it’ll stop and come back. This happened from the 14-16th I’ve been having some symptoms that we would get if I were to be pregnant but I’ve took pregnancy test and they all said negative. I’m not sure if the 3 days I spotted were my period or it’s too early to test or idk what’s going on!!! Still haven’t gotten my period and the test are still negative.