He doesn’t brush his teeth...

So I know this is very weird but please give me advice to bring this up! I been with my bf for almost two years we been on a week vacation a while ago and he didn’t have his toothbrush and said he needs to go to the store to get one as he “forgot it”. Then he never brought it up again, someone who really forgot their toothbrush wouldn’t go a week without brushing their teeth. Now we live together and he said he left his toothbrush at home, and so I gave him a spare and I see it in the bathroom andnit hasnt even been touched. Not once. I’m way to embarrassed to bring this up I am grossed out tbh. I dont know what to do. I take him to work in the morning so I know damn well that toothbrush isn’t touched. He’s 24 years old so i dont know why this is a problem. He eats a lot of candy so if he didn’t brush his teeth wouldn’t he have cavities? He doesn’t. I dont know how to address this as i’m very embarrassed.