idk what to do🙄🙄🙄

a • wife & mommy!❣️

my daughter who’s 1yr 5months lately hasn’t been wanting to eat. idk if it’s a phase or what. she will literally run away if i give her a snack or food. even if it’s a sweet snack(i hardly give her sweets). i’ll put her in the high chair and she will turn her head away and refuse to open her mouth. she will go without eating breakfast and barely wanna eat a late lunch. if i get lucky she actually eats and eats a good amount but that’s only once a few days. but idk what’s making her like this. i don’t want her to go starving bc she’s already super petite but i also don’t want to force feed her. anybody else had to deal with this situation? what made your child wanna eat again? will she out grow this phase?