Worst Period Of My Life!!


Hey ladies. I’m here to get a little advice and to rant a little to be honest.

So some of you have read some of my other posts and seen that my boyfriend and I were TTC. We’ve given up for the time being and are taking a break from it.

If you haven’t seen those posts, I’ll give you a quick run down. We were trying since October. I was having some weird symptoms, thought I was pregnant, took a test and saw a line but it was just an indent. My symptoms were a lot of cramping (back, stomach and menstrual feeling), nausea without vomiting, headaches, thick/clear discharge. My period symptoms NEVER come early so I thought for sure I was pregnant but I wasn’t.

Yesterday (Monday) I started my period. It started out with spotting and cramping. I didn’t think much of it because spotting can be a symptom too until I got to work and I had almost bled through my jeans and didn’t have anything. Luckily, I found a maxi pad. My cramps were excruciating, almost unbearable yesterday. I went to my doctor for it and I’ve never done that. I’ve never been one to complain about period cramps. She put me on Seasonale (birth control) where I’ll only have my period every 3 months. I start it tonight.

Fast forward to today, my nausea and headaches, back ache and slight cramping is back. I didn’t have any ibuprofen for the first half of the day (I did a 5 hour shit). It was awful. I felt like I was car sick while sitting on a couch (I’m a home healthcare aide). I was also having hot flashes like crazy which made it sooo much worse. I’m a huge ibuprofen person. I’ve never taken anything else including Midol but I gave in and bought Midol on the way to my second client. This has been the WORST period of my life. Light one day, and heavy the next. It’s never been this way before. Anyone have any experience with the birth control I’m about to start?? And any tips on this crazy period I’m having!? Any help would be appreciated!!