Back again...

Bri • 🌈 💙 10/2019 🌈💗 12/2022

I'm so heartbroken! This past weekend I miscarried for the third time, last December and May and then now. I was 5.5 weeks this time and everything passed quickly and my hcg levels have already dropped to negative. I don't understand why this keeps happening to me! 😭

On top of it all my doctor's office is being incredibly frustrating. My favorite doctor who helped me with my missed miscarriage last year is so popular and booked up for the next month and a half, so I can't meet with her. Instead I have to meet with another doctor next week to discuss options to figure out what is wrong. I just feel so disheartened because the rest of the office is acting like this miscarriage isn't a big deal, and I feel like she was the only one who took my concerns seriously last time. I just want answers! I already know I have a genetic blood clotting disorder, but I can't help but think that there is something else contributing to it because they had me on medication for it and I still lost this one. 😔

I don't think I can handle doing this all again! The waiting and hoping for months and then the excitement... always ending in heartbreak. 😭