Long Distance Relationship + College = HELP!

Imani • Ever seen a walking Goddess? 👸🏾 You’ve been blessed.

So here’s some background:

I am in college in DC and he’s in Ohio. We didn’t have problems picking schools, saying by the time we met- our minds were already made up. We are a year and 4 months into our relationship. We’ve grown really strong, with no serious problems and we love each other so very much. We talk to each other about damn near everything. He’s really special to me and vise versa. He’s shown me the things that most ladies don’t typically get out of a relationship, like opening doors, pulling out chairs, giving me his coat, hand kisses, etc. ❤️ He spoils me any chance he gets.. 🤣

So today I was, being the drama queen I am, telling him I miss him and I wanted him to come get me. Lol (It’s a 6 hour car ride, so that would be impossible- for several reasons, but yeah.)

Next semester, he’s transferring to a school that’s a little farther from home because they’ve offered him better opportunities. In the screenshot below, we were saying how this long distance relationship is going to get harder.👇🏾👇🏾 and be tested even more.

Every time we get on the subject of college and how it’s effecting our relationship, I get mushy and teary-eyed because I really don’t want to lose him. I’ve never loved like this and there’s no other way to put it 🤷🏾‍♀️ he’s literally my Prince Charming. 😭

I want my boyfriend to be happy. Simply because he’s important in my life as both a friend and my boyfriend. As bad as I want this to work out and for this to last all 4 years, I’m a little scared we’ll break. 😣 Neither of us have ever done long distance relationships, but we’re trying so hard to make this work because we both want it.

So can anyone offer me some advice to keep my relationship growing strong? Any advice at all will help. ❤️

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Hi there! I was in a long distance relationship during my freshman year of college, we were 6 hours away from each other; we’ve since broken up, but not because of distance (he was abusive). All of that aside, long distance relationships can be totally worth it when you love the person you’re with. Don’t think about what you might be missing out on if you were both single, because honestly your relationship sounds really strong and I don’t think y’all are missing out on anything! Especially when long distance relationships really give you the opportunity to continue living as an individual while dating someone. The best advice I can offer you is pretty cliché but important none the less: communicate!! Always, always communicate. Being so far away can definitely make things harder, which is why it’s so crucial that you’re honest about how you’re feeling and if something upsets you. Make sure you balance your school lives with your relationship too! It’s okay to talk everyday, but if it’s stopping you from making friends or studying, then it’s not okay! Maybe make a schedule, or at least know each other’s schedules so you can work around it. And remember that it’s okay if one of you wants to go out with friends one night and you can’t talk, or if you would rather stay in and talk!! Sorry this got hella long, and I hope everything works out ♥️


Imani • Jan 30, 2019
Thank you! ❤️ That really helped! Definitely new ideas to try especially with the snail mail, and planning dates ❤️ Hopefully I can get him to try something new.. Psht Guys, right? 😂 but thank you so much Kayleigh! ❤️


Ka • Jan 30, 2019
Also, forgot to add this, try to plan some fun dates for you guys to look forward to when you get to see each other! Maybe send each other some snail mail too (I personally love sending and receiving letters so I do it all the time!)