23.4 and holy heartburn/acid reflux


I’m 23 weeks and 4 days. I’ve had occasional heartburn if I ate something bad, or maybe too much over the last few months, but once the food was out of my system, I felt better.

Last night I was going to sleep and had horrible heartburn. I had the horrible burning at the top of my belly, stomach acid/pike coming into my mouth, just couldn’t get comfortable. Figured my dinner didn’t sit right. Tried sitting upright, eating runs, sipping water. No luck.

All day today it progressed to where I was constantly belching, more near vomiting, lots of burning then to the point where I couldn’t walk, move without horrible pain.

I called my OB twice. They recommended I use Zantac. This seems to help... as long as I wasn’t moving. Got up about 20 minutes ago to use the bathroom and was doubled over in pain on the way back to the couch.

Is this normal acid redux? Holy moly I can’t deal with this for 16 more weeks!

Any suggestions ladies?