Whirlwind of Emotions!

Melissa • First Glow baby in December 2016, just found out I'm pregnant again and due in March 2019.

Today was crazy. I went for my 34 week appointment, but my blood pressure was super bad (140/100's, 160/high 90's, 150/98) so I had to go to the hospital for monitoring before I even got to have the appointment. I was so scared, but it was more towards my normal range when I got there and was monitored for an hour.

I went home and then my husband and I went to pick up my new chair! I donated our old glider a month before I got pregnant and money has been tight, so I was very scared I wouldn't be able to get one, but thanks to gift cards and cash gifts at my baby shower, we had enough! It's all put together now and a HUGE source of stress for me is gone!

Here's to hoping my BP will stay more normal so I don't have to have him any sooner than 38 weeks! I had severe gestational hypertension with my daughter (my current doctor actually said it was pre-eclampsia and he has no idea why my old doctor didn't officially diagnose me), so I don't know what to expect.

But at least I have one less thing to worry about! ☺️