Crazy baby delivery dreams.


I’m 33 weeks irl. Last night, I dreamed that I was 36 weeks. In my dream, I went to bed and woke up feeling like there was a bowling ball between my legs. When I felt around, I could feel the baby crowning and yelled for my husband that we had to get to the closest hospital. I remember being afraid the baby would need the nicu or medical help since he was early.

My husband and I were arguing about which hospital to go to because the closest one wasn’t our planned one and during this time, I had the baby. I wrapped him up in a blanket and off we went.

We didn’t have a car seat yet so I was carrying him in my arms while we drove. I got mad at my husband on the drive because he wanted to stop at the mall to pick something up. For some reason, I thought we may find a doctors office there to go to and then we got lost in the mall.

We made it back to the car to get to the hospital and then I woke up.

Anyone else have crazy baby dreams?