TTC help please!.


So my fiancé and I have been actively ttc for the past 4 months (but we have been having sexually active without protection for the last 2 yrs). I do not use opk’s but I do track my cycle and check my cervix daily. I have a healthy 9 yr old boy and my fiancé has a healthy 12 yr old boy. My OBGYN says I shouldn’t have issues with conception being I’ve had a healthy successful pregnancy. I’m also taking prenatals. But my CM is alway a lotion texture. I know when I ovulate because my cervix gets softer and I produce sightly more CM, but it stays thick. So my question is, is my CM preventing the healthy travels of the sperm??? Do you think preseed could help? I have tried the softcup method as well as laying on my back with my butt propped up. Also should I start using opk’s?? I have a 26 day cycle.

Thank you for any insight!! ❤️🤗