Expect Miracles 🙏🏻


Hey everyone! My husband and I have been married 2 years this coming April. We both said from the beginning of our relationship that we both wanted children and feel God’s blessing that we are going to have children someday. I’m 33 years old and because of prayer and both my husband and I having extremely strong faith I’ve come to realize it’s all in God’s timing and when we’re meant to have children we will.

The whole point of me writing this is that you have to expect Miracles. I was in a traumatic car accident in 2006 and suffered from a traumatic brain injury and almost lost my life. Through prayers and faith I pulled through and am here today healthy and living my best life now.

Never give up and always remember Miracles Happen 🙏🏻 Bless you all and prayers and love to being blessed with love and happiness and God’s gift of life ❤️