red bloody spotting 5 days in a row after period


my 7 day period ended. for 3 days in a row after that, i was spotting bright red blood lightly on toilet paper. then days 4 and 5, dark red blood was falling out when i would use the toilet. doesn’t seem like a miscarriage even though there are tiny clots... and it wouldn’t happen right after a period, right? it wasn’t a large amount of blood but for spotting, it seemed like a lot. almost like a light period, small amount of dense dark red blood dripping into the toilet. does anybody have any idea what could be happening? i was told it could be hormonal imbalance but do we spot that heavily during hormonal imbalance? worried about polyps or bacterial infection from semen that might prevent us from conceiving this month or in the future. doctor’s appointment is a week away, i’m feeling anxious to find out what’s causing this irregularity

*edit: called the doctor and she told me to get a blood pregnancy test done 🤔